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Om Wera

With the increasing economic pressure on global EMS providers and professional tradespeople, Wera recognizes the importance of reliable and efficient fastening solutions. Wera is constantly working to improve on the status-quo, and to provide new solutions to the unique challenges of the EMS and MRO sectors.

Wera, as one of the largest drive bit manufacturers worldwide, is licensed to produce most known screw profile licenses such as TORX®, TORX PLUS®, Microstix, Phillips etc.

By working directly with leading screw manufacturers, Wera brings value to its customers – by developing and delivering tailored and economical solutions which allows our valued customers to reduce down time, to improve efficiency and finally to reduce production costs, and to boost competitiveness.

Produktliste fra Wera

Tools & Production Supplies

Vis alle produkter (1.077)



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